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My story so far

A bit more about me...

Okay, a lot.

I may over share...

You were warned. 

All the details about my writing, projects and internet shopping habits.

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Tar and Bone: An Achten Tan prequel

If you like:
* Magic, * Adventure
* Disability & LGBTQ rep
* Friendly Giant ants!
* Non-European Setting 
* A weird Desert town in a ribcage.
* No spice 

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Book 1 
The Sands of Achten Tan

Eighteen-year-old Mila hasn't spoken in the five years since she became a first level witch. To reclaim her voice and control her magic, Mila journeys to

dangerous Achten Tan–City of Dust.

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Want to read more?

My published short stories

Sci fi

Fantasy and Horror

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Book 2 in 
The Sands of Achten Tan

Click here to read the Blurb, First chapter and request an ARC

This book follows Kaii Haku, the chief's son. A bad boy with a heart of gold.

You really shouldn't trust him...

but you're going to want to.  


New YA Sci-Fi series

Click here to read a chapter and learn more about this book


My Blog posts


Debbie Iancu Haddad ©2018. 

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